I am planning to have my baby at a hospital. Is HypnoBirthing still for me?
Answer: Yes, it is! You can have as peaceful and calm a birth in a hospital as any mom who delivers her baby at home or a birthing center.
I know that I will have my baby via scheduled C-section. Will I still benefit from attending the program?
Answer: Of course! Even though we talk about how to prepare for a natural birth, we also cover a lot more in the program than just birth and labor. One of the things we do is practice a lot of guided visualizations and self-hypnosis that help parents learn to relax and release any tension or fear around birth. You will learn how to stay calm and peaceful during your unique birthing day regardless of how you birth.
My pregnancy is high risk. Should I even bother going through a program such as this?
Answer: Yes, for sure! Pregnancy can be a vulnerable time for a lot of parents, and having a high-risk pregnancy can add a lot of stress. I believe that moms who anticipate any special circumstances need even more to learn how to stay calm and confident. You can still have a peaceful and positive birthing experience.
Is there a guarantee that I will have pain-free labor and birth?
Answer: Everyone’s birthing experience is different. Although the HypnoBirthing program prepares you for a more comfortable birth where the need for chemical anesthesia, episiotomy, and interventions is lessened, even eliminated, there is no guarantee that you will have a 100% pain-free birth. Your body and your baby determine which way labor will go.
Do you offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on the program?
Answer: If you are not completely satisfied with the program by the end of the second class, please let me know. I will work with you to make it better. If you still have second thoughts, please let me know by the beginning of the third class, and I will refund your money.
I still have more questions. Can I contact you?
Answer: Yes. Please let me know if I can assist you in any way. Click here to contact me.